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LightWorker ,Psychic &Healer


© 2015 by Ama LightWorker & Psychic

A. Nexhipi. Proudly created with

Copyright © 2015 Ama LightWorker,  Alma Nexhipi All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms and Conditions Participants must  be 18+ years old. For  entertainment  purposes only. Please be aware that these payments are not tax deductible. REGARDING INFORMATION RELATED TO HEALTH ISSUES Health information available from Ama Light Worker is general health information and for education purposes only. Ama Light Worker therein are not to be used for any other purpose. We are not a medical advice line, hospital or medical or clinical facility. Advisers who provide information are not to diagnose illnesses, provide treatments, or prescribe medications through this Site. By using this site, you agree that you shall not use it to seek any of the foregoing. In case of a medical emergency or urgent situation, please see a health care provider or go to the nearest emergency room. I will contact you three times, via email,or phone or skype at the time of the appt. If you do not reply during the time slot that you booked for, I do reserve the right of the payment placed.It is your responsibility to answer. If you do not answer on time, you will  get a reading for the remaining time. No return policy, after being contacted three times and failed to answer during the time lot that you book for.All appt are held in UTC+1 time zone.


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